Berrel Kräutler Architekten Berrel Kräutler Architekten

Orientierungs­schule Vouvry


Orientierungs­schule Vouvry

Orientierungs­schule Vouvry

Large and gleam­ing gold, the Vouvry district school build­ing sits between the Rhone River and the busi­ness centre in the valley of the lower Valais region. In dimen­sions and form, it is remi­nis­cent of the indus­trial build­ings that occupy the valley floor.

Longitudinal section
Longitudinal section

Joined together at the centre of this compact, three-story build­ing, with its recessed ground-floor, is a triple gymna­sium, around which all of the other rooms and circu­lation zones are grouped windmill-style.

Facade corner with cantilever
Facade corner with cantilever

The district school build­ing is covered in a skin consist­ing of folded sheet brass. The tradi­tio­nal techno­logy used for the facade breaks up the larger form of the build­ing, as does the recessed ground-floor, above which the two upper stories project outward 8 meters on all sides, creating a roofed common space.

Ground floor plan
Ground floor plan

Students and teachers enter the build­ing via corner entran­ces situated on the east and west sides of the build­ing. Cascade stair­cases, each occupy­ing the entire breadth of the trans­verse side of the build­ing, ascend to the upper levels.

Entrance area on the ground floor
Entrance area on the ground floor
View into the triple gymnasium
View into the triple gymnasium

On the upper­most level, the gym walls are entirely in glass. These provide views through the entire level and into the hall. Sky­lights admit day­light into the centre and the upper­most level.

Corridors with a view
Corridors with a view

In the common room and corri­dors, walls are paint­ed wine red. Con­trast­ing with them are the white gymna­sium and the class­rooms, pan­elled in white.

2nd floor plan
2nd floor plan

The concept of the support struc­ture is based on a mega­structure. In con­junc­tion with the ceil­ings above and below, the sep­arat­ing walls in the class­rooms of the second upper story form a load­bearing structure. Suspen­ded from it is the first upper story, executed in wooden construc­tion.

Wardrobe with specially-made tiles
Wardrobe with specially-made tiles
School workshop
School workshop
School kitchen
School kitchen

0052 Orientierungsschule Vouvry

Reference numbers
Competition: 2008 
Construction: 2010—2013
Floor area: 9’400 m2
Building volume: 52’000 m3

Project participants
Construction management: GayMenzel
Construction engineer: Ulaga Partner, ESM group
Landscape architect: ORT AG für Landschaftsarchitektur
Photos: Radek Brunecky, Eik Frenzel

Team BBK
Project: Samuel Häusermann,
Marc Annecke
Competition: Samuel Häusermann, Angela Behrens, Veit Giessen