Berrel Kräutler Architekten Berrel Kräutler Architekten

University campus Sion


University campus Sion

University campus Sion

Construction of a new campus for the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland-Wallis (HES-SO) in conjunction with the Valais branch of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL).

Situation south of Sion railway station
Situation south of Sion railway station
Passerelle over the railway line
Passerelle over the railway line
Access of the campus in plan and section
Access of the campus in plan and section
Section through the passerelle
Section through the passerelle
Plans of ground floor to 3rd floor
Plans of ground floor to 3rd floor
Corridor on the 3rd floor
Corridor on the 3rd floor
Cross-section through a main staircase
Cross-section through a main staircase
One of the main staircases
One of the main staircases

0163 Campus HES-SO (university of applied science) and EPFL (technical university) Wallis, Sion

Reference numbers
Competition: 2013, 3rd place
Code word: Piano Nobile

Project participants
Client: Hochbauamt des Kanton Wallis
Landscape architect: ORT AG für Landschaftsarchitektur
Visualisations: maaars

Team BBK
Jaime Rodriguez, Benjamin Pannatier, Annina Baumgartner, Thomas Merz, Bianca Böckle