Berrel Kräutler Architekten Berrel Kräutler Architekten

Sports facilities Sandgruben


Sports facilities Sandgruben

Sports facilities Sandgruben
The long building block is divided into two functional units
The long building block is divided into two functional units

The sports facility "In den Sand­gruben" in Pratteln is characterised by a hetero­geneous development structure of individual building volumes. The competition project proposes the preser­vation of the still functional swimming pool buildings and the construction of an additional building block along the sports field.

The front part houses the restaurant business for the swimming pool
The front part houses the restaurant business for the swimming pool

0141 Sports facilities Sandgruben with restaurant, Pratteln

Reference numbers
Competition: 2012, 2nd place
Code: Engawa

Project participants
Client: Gemeinde Pratteln
Construction engineer: Ulaga Partner
Building technology: Raumanzug
Construction economics: Fuhr Buser Partner 
Visualisations: maaars

Team BBK
Daniel Kapr, Tomas Ferreira, Thomas Merz, Angela Behrens